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the Lens Paper
June, 2004
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camera (yep, "It's not the camera, it's the shooter!" so...)
furnished by NCPS.  Enjoy the two-hour shoot, the
weather, the scenery and each other.  Turn in the camera
at noon (to be processed before dinnertime).  At 5:00
p.m., meet for an optional swim and a pizza dinner at
Carrie Barton's home.  Share the morning's images with
one another.  Fabulous prizes await you!!
HOW MUCH $$$:  Free to members in good standing.
Many thanks to co-leaders
Bob Harrington and Sharon
Anthony for orchestrating our
May 22nd photo shoot at the
Bolsa Chica Ecological
Preserve in Huntington
All in attendance, from
veteran birders to first-timers,
enjoyed a fantastic sunny day,
exhilarating sea air, birds
everywhere and an absolutely
wonderful time shooting our
feathered friends.
MEMBER SHARE  by Emile Kfouri
June's Topic  -  "Festivals and Parties"
As we start to move into the summer season (I know -
sometimes it’s hard to tell what season we are in when we
live in San Diego), there is always an excuse for an outdoor
party.  Family and friends get together to enjoy each
other’s company.  I invite you to try and capture those
moments that remind us that we are social creatures in need
of company and companionship.  Bring in up to 2 new or
old images that capture those memorable times.
July's Topic  -  "Black and White"
It is difficult to think of black and white when there is so
much color around us.  However, a powerful image will
give the viewer the opportunity to use their imagination to
add the color as they see fit.  Free of the constraints of
reality.  See if you can make or find up to 2 images in your
collection that give enough detail for the viewer to know
what they are looking at, yet leave room for them to
imagine what is missing or unclear.
August's Topic  -  "Documentary"
Select or make three images that when placed together can
tell a simple story.  Examples could be a person building
something, an animal looking for food or a child getting
into mischief.  They say images are worth a 1,000 words. 
Try to use up to 3 images to say the 1,000 or 3,000 words
for you.  You will not be able to describe the images, so
they will need to do the talking for you.
September’s Topic  -  “Body Parts”
Abstract, yet detailed, images of “Body Parts”.  I will leave
it up to you to interpret and execute the images as you see
fit.  Try and step out of your comfort zone.  If you
specialize in people, then try something in nature and visa 
On May 31, 2004, the North County Photographic Society
completed its annual work participation in the San Diego
County Fair Photographic Exhibition.  Donna Cosentino,
Photographic Exhibition Coordinator, extends her thanks to
the membership for a job well done.
Twelve members from the club put in an excess of 150
man-hours of work receiving, preparing, and assisting in
the judging of the exhibits.  This effort by the membership
will certainly have a positive effect on the club’s treasury
again this year.
I wish to extend my thanks to
the following members for
making this year’s
participation a success:  Rich
Tando, Doug Burges, Carrie
Barton, Larry Peik, Craig
Grow, Sharon Anthony,
Carolyn Taylor, Sylvia Taylor,
Cathy Scholl, Shirley Olsen,
and Carolyn Stalder.  I hope
each and every one of you not
only had a good time, but
increased your knowledge
about photographic
competition events.
This year, well over 2,700 mounted images were entered in
16 classes of photography, four classes of photojournalism,
and the first three e.Arts classes.  From these, over 800
(roughly 30%) will be displayed in the 2004 International
Photographic Exhibition.  Congratulations to NCPS
members Carrie Barton, Peter Fay, David Rightmer, Libby
Scott, Tom Scott, and Carolyn Taylor for being among
those who captured awards this year.