Ron Garrison, Featured Speaker, March 2006 Meeting

Topic: Antartica

Ron Garrison will present "The White Continent," his thirteen-day adventure aboard the Lindblad ship Endeavour, sharing his thirteen days of exploration of the beautiful Antarctic Peninsula, surrounding islands and waterway, as well as a quick view of Santiago, Chile and Ushuaia, Argentina.

You will experience his "first" sighting of an iceberg, sailing along with four species of whales, walking among hillsides covered with thousands of penguins, to photographing the black mountains and white ice fields under the midnight sun.

Other highlights of this trip were his first experience at kayaking, by paddling around icebergs in the calm 23-degree Bellinghausen Sea or just sitting in the open kayak listening to the quiet. There were also opportunities to examine this remote wilderness while motoring in zodiacs with swimming seals and penguins, sailing through fast ice or berg fields and hiking to overview a glacier on the Antarctic Continent.

The timing of the trip allowed the group to celebrate New Years Eve under the midnight sun and for the more hardy or foolish, a quick swim in the open sea.


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